Fun facts about redheads

Redheads are a unique and fascinating group of people. With their striking hair colour and often fiery personalities, it’s no wonder that redheads have captured the imagination of people around the world. In this post, we’ll explore some fun facts about redheads that you may not have known.

Redheads are rare

Worldwide, only 1 – 2% of people have red hair.The highest concentration of redheads is in Scotland (13%) followed by Ireland (10%). 

Redheads have a higher pain tolerance

Several studies have suggested that redheads are more sensitive to pain than people with other hair colours. This is because the gene mutation (MC1R) that causes red hair is on the same gene linked to pain receptors. This is thought to cause redheads to produce more of a particular hormone called POMC, which is involved in regulating pain. It also means redheads usually need more anaesthesia for dental and medical procedures.

Redheads are more sensitive to temperature changes

Also due to a genetic mutation that affects the way redheads process temperature changes in their environment, redheads are more sensitive to temperature changes, particularly cold temperatures. This means they can change temperature quickly and experience hot and cold intensely.

Redheads don’t grey as quickly as other people

Redheads don’t grey as quickly as people with other hair colours. This is because red hair retains its pigment for longer than other hair colours, which means that grey hairs don’t stand out as much against a backdrop of red hair. Red hair also tends to fade rather than go grey, so it’s a more subtle process.

Redheads have more sex!

According to a survey conducted by a German sex researcher, redheaded women have more sex than women with other hair colours. This is thought to be because red hair is associated with confidence and sexuality. A similar English study found that redhead women have sex an average of three times a week, while blondes and brunettes have sex twice a week.

Redheads are more likely to be left-handed

Having red hair isn’t the only thing that makes some redheads unique. Redheads are also more likely to be left-handed than people with other hair colours. This is thought to be due to a genetic link between left-handedness and the gene that causes red hair. Both characteristics come from recessive genes, which like to come in pairs.

Redheads are more likely to have green eyes

Redheads are more likely to have green eyes than people with other hair colours. This is because both red hair and green eyes are the result of a similar genetic mutation that affects the production of melanin.

It’s hard to dye red hair

Because it holds its pigment tighter than any other hair colour, red strands need to have their pigment stripped before being dyed by bleaching which, of course, damages the hair. A great reason to stay red!

Redheads probably won’t go grey

Redheads probably won’t go grey. That’s because the pigment just fades over time. So they will probably go blonde and even white, but not grey.

Redheads have fewer strands of hair

Redheads actually have less hair than most other people. On average they only have 90,000 strands of hair, while blondes have 110,000 and brunettes have 140,000. However, red hair is typically thicker so it still looks just as full.

Redheads are more sensitive to sunlight

Redheads are more sensitive to sunlight than people with other hair colours. This is because red hair contains less of the pigment that protects against UV radiation, which means that redheads are more likely to burn and develop skin cancer.

Redheads can produce their own Vitamin D

As they can’t sufficiently absorb Vitamin D (due to their lower melanin-concentration), redheads internally produce their own Vitamin D when they’re exposed to low light conditions.

Health benefits for redheaded men

Being a redheaded man may have health benefits. A study published by the British Journal of Cancer suggested that men with red hair are 54% less likely to develop prostate cancer than their brown and blonde-haired counterparts.

Redheads were sought after in Ancient Rome

In Ancient Rome, redheaded slaves used to be more expensive than others! This is thought to be due to their rarity making them sought after as a valuable asset. 

Redheads believed to become Vampires & Witches

The ancient Greeks used to believe that redheads would become vampires when they died, and in certain parts of Africa, some cultures believe they are witches. Despite the crazy history of redheads being burned at the stake, in modern times red hair has become an asset to be proud of.

Bees are attracted to Redheads

Bees have been proven to be more attracted to redheads. This is thought to be because of their hair’s resemblance to bright flowers.

When was the term ‘Redhead’ first used?

The term Redhead has been in use since the year 1510. It was used before the colour orange was invented, so the term redhead stuck even when the orange fruit finally arrived in England. Since then we have also added other terms including: gingers, redheads, strawberry blondes.

Redhead Festivals 

Another great fact about ginger hair is that red hair conventions are held all over the world. The main one being held at the moment is the Redhead Days festival in the Netherlands:

World Redhead Day

We even get our own World Redhead Day, every year on May 26th, where we can celebrate the natural beauty of this amazing hair colour!

Kiss a Ginger Day to counteract Kick a Ginger Day

And if that’s not enough, 12th January is Kiss a Ginger Day! This was created to counteract ‘Kick A Ginger Day’ which was inspired by a South Park episode and was intended as a joke but still upset some people as gingers should be celebrated rather than vilified.


Redheads are a unique and fascinating group of people with a range of distinctive traits and characteristics. From their higher pain tolerance to their sensitivity to temperature changes, there are many fun facts about redheads that make them stand out from the crowd. Regardless of your hair colour, it’s important to remember that diversity is what makes us all unique and beautiful.

And don’t forget to check out other articles in our Ginger Red Hair Facts category.

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